How to find and install contributed modules from using project browser module

Here we are discussing about project browser module which helps developers easily browse and install various contributed modules in

After installation of this module, you will be having a separate page in your local drupal application where you can find contributed modules using filters.

This module available for Drupal 9 & 10

Before installing project browser module install automatic updates module using below command

composer require ‘drupal/automatic_updates:^2.6’

Enable below modules

you have to enable update manager module also,

Then install project browser module using below command

composer require ‘drupal/project_browser:^1.0@beta’

Get latest composer commad from module page

Enable project browser module.

So under configuration you can see project browser module settings under development menu.

Go to Extend menu in admin where you can see browse tab. You can see module list available in,

from left categories, select the module category and select the required module form list.

Click on module , in detail page you can see commandsnad other details.

if configured composer, you can install module form here.

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