DigitalNadeem Blog

Drupal view – customize autocomplete taxonomy term filter to show only child terms by attaching view as data source 0

Drupal view – customize autocomplete taxonomy term filter to show only child terms by attaching view as data source

Problem: We have a taxonomy terms as below with parent child terms  and child terms under parents.  We can say this taxonomy as categories with below terms. We  have another view called article list ...

How to implement polls in Drupal using Polls module 0

How to implement polls in Drupal using Polls module

In websites we can gather information from users in different ways like surveys, polls etc. Here we are discussing how to implement polls in a Drupal website. What are website Polls? Polls on websites...

How to add view total row count as a field in views page or rest displays in Drupal 0

How to add view total row count as a field in views page or rest displays in Drupal

Here we are discussing about  how to add views total row count as another field in view page/ rest export. Developers need to write logic at the front end based on the total number...

How to render Menu block in  Drupal front end 0

How to render Menu block in Drupal front end

Here we are discussing how to place menus blocks in twig templates regions and modules helps to customize it in Drupal 9 and Drupal 10. By default in Drupal 9 & 10 you can...

How to  Embed views in a Drupal Paragraph type 0

How to  Embed views in a Drupal Paragraph type

Here we are discussing how to embed a view block in a paragraph type without custom code. Here we are going to  Install block field module. Block field allows to create any block as...

How to send custom html mailers using symfony mailer module in Drupal 9 and Drupal 10 0

How to send custom html mailers using symfony mailer module in Drupal 9 and Drupal 10

Here we are discussing how to create our own html mail templates and sending mails with your custom values embedded in those mail templates, Install Symfony mailer module and configure as shown in this...

How to create custom plugin for customised messages in checkout flow of  WooCommerce 0

How to create custom plugin for customised messages in checkout flow of  WooCommerce

In many cases, there will be requirement for showing some customised messages in Woo commerce checkout flow. Here we are discussing about how to create a custom plugin for displaying customised messages in checkout ...

How to store temporary data in Drupal 9 and Drupal 10 0

How to store temporary data in Drupal 9 and Drupal 10

During development of complex UI’s with customized approaches, there will be a  need for storing data for a shorter time before permanently storing to the back end. In this case we have to store ...

How to create additional fields programmatically in user account and displaying same in user registration page – Drupal 9 and Drupal 10 0

How to create additional fields programmatically in user account and displaying same in user registration page – Drupal 9 and Drupal 10

Here we are creating a new field in account settings while installing a custom module, also after installation of module,  usually field parked as hidden field in manage form display. So here we are...