Drupal 8 migration using Migrate Tool

In previous post I explained how to prepare for migration. Now we have fresh Drupal 8 website with all custom modules and migrate modules enables. Now we are going to run migrate tool which is a default Drupal core module which we enabled in previous post.

Before starting upgrade make old Drupal 7 database and files are accessible form  Drupal 8 server. Keep details of database like database name , database username and password.

Places /upgrade on new website . that means hit URL  https://yourd8site/upgrade, this will show upgrade screen and hit continue.

Provide existing Drupal 7 database details

Also mention path of content files need to be migrated

Hit review upgrade. this will show list of modules that identified and this will also shows which modules will be upgraded.

match this modules with the list that we prepared in previous steps. Match the list id modules we missed out o install which actively using , reinstall that one and run migration process again.

avoid all other modules and start upgrade process. When upgrade process starts it will show the progress of upgrade and what process is currently executing.

After completing process , this will show success message screen. Then you can go back to admin screen and verify weather all contents and configuration migrated or not.

Review all components mentioned earlier (Content Types, Menus, Taxonomies, User Roles, Text Formats) and adjust as needed.


Now we successfully migrated configurations, contents and settings. After verifying all these configurations next we are going  to migrate modules and themes. This will be a time consuming process compared to previous steps.

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