Custom Form generator
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Custom Module Generator
This Form will generate php script for custom Module that can be used in Drupal 9 and Drupal 10.
Module Name
must start with a letter, must contain only lower-case letters, digits, and underscores. must not be longer than 50 characters.must be unique. Your module should not have the same short name as any other module, theme, theme engine must not contain any spaces. It should not be any of the reserved terms : src, lib, vendor, assets, css, files, images, js, misc, templates, includes, fixtures, Drupal. Important note: Be sure to not use upper-case letters in your module's machine name as Drupal will not recognize your hook implementations
Please provide a custom module name.
Include routing.yml
Include *.module file
Create controller directory with sample controller file
Create Form directory with sample Form file
Create CSS/JS directory with sample file
Create libraries.yml file
Click to Generate Module
Download the Module here